Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lately, he has been acting out of the norm...can you all plz lemme know what is up???? 18+!?

So I met a guy 2yrs ago, and we have become really good friends. 1yr ago, I started liking him, a LOT. I think he may have caught on, but we both kept it platonic, since he had a gf he loved. 2months ago, the gf broke up with him. Well, my friend (against my choice) asked him the day after if he liked me, and he puased a while & said as a friend. I wasn't mad, & we talked tons (4+hrs) almost every other night online for a month. Grew SO close. I go back to school and he is blushing around me, staring nonstop, and I get home and he texts me TONS, and even called me once to talk. So, I text him back some, and call him too. But at school, it is only staring & awkwardness. Last night I IMed him and he seemed occupied, so I let him go. Then he texts me later on. Once, he even went off about how "girls should be straightforward". Does he like me? Or does he like me cause I like him? Or maybe he just needs a friend right now??? Is what he is doing considered just friendly???

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