Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Moving to England later this year and I'm really nervous?

I will be eighteen when I go over later this year and I'm travelling from New Zealand to London where I plan on living for one year. Perhaps two if I like it. I'm wanting a change from my small city life and I've always wanted to travel to London. However, I'm just really nervous and anxious about the trip. Questions like "Will they like me?" "Will they look at me odd because of my funny accent and light brown skin?" etc. I know that London is a huge multi-cultural city so I'm not worried about that so much, however, I was planning on going to the north east of England for a little exploration as I've always wanted to see Hadrian's Wall. I read on a few sites that the main ethnic group is 99% white/european which I don't mind at all, but will I get strange looks if I go there? (I'm not at all racist, I'm just curious about this...). I guess I'm just looking for reurance that the people in London are friendly. I work in the hospitality industry and I constantly have american and english guests telling me how lucky I am to come from New Zealand and how friendly the people are here. I guess I just want to know what some good advice is for young people traveling over to England by themselves? (sorry about how messy this question is).

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