Sunday, August 7, 2011

Why do young earth creationists think science is something you believe in?

i see it all the time "i don't BELIEVE in evolution" but science isn't a belief system or a doesn't need faith(belief without evidence or proof) but science offers up proof (testable verifiable proof)...whenever people try to push creationism in the clrooms it isnt because there is more evidence that is better proven, it is because they dont BELIEVE in evolution and want "equal time for both theories" but the truth is, evolution is a theory creationism is a hypothesis(theories have been tested and retested and if the results added up then it is accepted after years of testing, hypothesizes are just guesses, usually educated guesses. Creationism is just a guess no evidence behind it, no peer review done and before someone cries conspiracy the offer stands, go have your hypothisis peer reviewed... see how well it stands up ) so why try to bring science down to the level of an outdated unchanging religion that cant keep up with the times...

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