Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Should I listen to my mother or my father?

well, i think both have valid points, because (personally) when i get "excited", it touches my stomach anyways.

Batman Movie Cursed?

Think about it. Heath Ledger died but finished all of his parts, Christian Bale was arrested for ault against his mother and sister, and Morgan Freeman just had that horrible car crash. Maybe the movie is cursed like all of those strange accidents that happened with The Omen. What do you think?

About car audio's bit?

Recently i bought a car audio system....its cool...but.... in other car's", from out side i can only hear the bit.. not the song... But in my car i can hear both sound and bit..if i increase the volume to max(or closer).. the sounds become hazy and tered....i tryed all of my equalizers... but. there's no change... Is it because that my audio sys is not that up to date... or is it more up to date... HELP ME

What do you think of these shoes?

If it's your style, then get them. I personally LOVE them! They are so cute and I love the gold accenting.

Where can I do logos online for free?

I am trying to do my own logos for my business cards and brochures but Adobe Photoshop is too expensive ($600). Is there any website where I can design my own logos?

What do you think of my intro chapter?

You may want to add a little more, like descriptions of what the characters look like. And did she or didn't she have a crush on him.

How many racists do you think are in the politics section?

They feel safe because they are anonymous. Some of the racist comments are so disgusting it makes your skin crawl.

I Have A Question About A Robert Frost Poem?

One Of My Favorite Poems By Him Is "Mending Wall". I Love It, However I Am Not Sure Exactly What It Means. I Think IT Can Have A Literal Meaning, But ALso An Empotionsl Or Symbolic One. Any Ideas?

Do you Pray beforst you eat?

Do you give thanks for the food and where it came from? I don't mean the Win-Dixie, i mean the Farmer , and the cow who gave his life so you can eat steak and all the way down to it gets to your table! And do you Fast and Pray & give thanks that you woke up to live another day. and do you know that this might be your last day , Do you think that you deserve to live another day and are you needed that much you feel that you wont die because your life makes a difference to man kind? or do you say come on mom, i'm hungry and have to go so you can get with your buddy's to go rob someone to buy dope with. And do you believe in Heaven & Hell, and are you afraid that global warming is going to mess up the planet sooner or later. we have come a long way in the last 110 years, and do you think for this Mother nature is hurting us back for taking the fruits of the planet for the rich. as for me i don't want to be rich and i don't buy lotto tickets, I'm afraid i might win. My helth is my wealth!

WWE superstars spread very well...?

I agree with you completely and it's probably how Vince and the storyliners are booking the brands with Raw getting the favorable advantage as it's perceived to be WWE's #1 brand.The focus on the storylines and matches on Raw is to get the ratings and maintain it's position in WWE as the premier brand.

Does anyone else think that Leonardo DiCaprio is underrated?

Seriously, he's the best actor in Hollywood in my opinion, very good at what he does, but everyone just thinks he's some pretty boy who gets roles because he's cute, but he's not Jack Dawson anymore. Okay, I will admit, he was very, very, very cute as Jack Dawson, but does anyone agree that he is overrated for Titanic (even though that movie I still think that movie is the best movie ever made and Leo was soooo cute in it) I think he is a better actor than people give him credit for. Like I don't think ou can be a DiCaprio fan without seeing his other movies. He's an amazing actor. I still want to see Blood Diamond. I WILL see that movie! But yeah, does anyone agree that he is underrated as an actor, but overrated for Titanic (though I still love him in that movie and I love that movie).

Obama really did learn from Reagan?

Reagan generated prosperity and then outspent the Evil Empire on defense. Now it looks like Obama is doing the same to the evil empire he faces. Is that what we're seeing?

Isn't measuring a basketball player by their rings just faulty?

Kobe has the most complete game out of all theses players. I mean Durant just scores, Howard just rebounds, Nash just pes, Rondo just steals the ball and LeBron just dunks really hard. Kobe can do all that and he has more rings than all these players COMBINED!!!!! WHAT NOW!!!!!!

How many of u think obama is the antichrist(not a racial question)?

his timeing is unbeilevable in.....think about a man of peace and Change just like the bible says when the antichrist comes....

Anyone know where I can find a stuffed toy crochet hammock pattern??

I am looking for a pattern or directions in making a stuffed toy crochet hammock.The kind that hangs in a corner of a child's room.Anyone know where I can find such a pattern? Thanks!!

Guinea pig names boy or girl?

ok good news getting another guinea and its is unknown so i need guinea pig names that are universal like sammy/Samantha or rylee/riley so it can be either way Chandler past away sadly thursday night so im getting one from a girl who had 2 'male' guinea pigs from a pet store so that ended up in pregnancy sooo i need boy and girl names in ONE thanks

A inexpensive rechargable heater for the home?

So basically what you're looking for is a heater that doesn't cost anything to buy or to run. Good luck with that one. No, there are no hand crank heaters. Hand crank things work because the hand cranking takes the place of batteries. Go get a hand crank flashlight and you'll see how much cranking it takes to power a small light bulb. Batteries cannot supply enough power to heat very much at all, certainly not a house. If there was such a thing as a human powered heater, she'd probably have to spend 16 hours a day on a treadmill to run it. Whatever kind of home heating device she uses, it will need fuel of some sort brought to it. Electricity, gas, kerosene, heating oil, wood, coal, whatever. It won't come for free except maybe the wood.

Disposable: what do you think about my poem?

Lets critique: strong images, internal rhyme, slant rhyme, random end rhyme, blank verse structure, and a message too. This reads well, reads as a strong poem. My only petty critique would be to work on punctuation and getting rid of caps! My compliments to you. Post more!

Why do so many believe the antichrist is coming?

I just was curious why so many Christians think the antichrist is some being that is supposed to come some day? Can you show me a verse in the bible where it mentions the antichrist in this manner?

NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 vs. ATI RADEON Xpress1150 256MB HyperMemory?

The first is on a compaq V6000Z with 1G RAM and an AMD Turion 64 X2 Dual-Core TL-56. The second on a dell 1501 with the same specs. I'm not a big gamer, but i do need to run programs like Maple and MatLab for school. I'd like to be able to add CATIA (a cad program) too. just wondering which would be better or if they're really all that different

Confused about making a fondant bow.?

At school for our food technology lessons we made christmas cakes and then left them for a while, this week i am icing my cake and I want to make one similar to this: a href=",405&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=355&vpy=291&dur=455&hovh=197&hovw=256&tx=182&ty=125&oei=Y_UATfrFFdWAhAfD4JXuBw&esq=2&page=2&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:20&biw=1280&bih=685" rel="nofollow"…/a ( my cake is a lot smaller than that and a circle shape) I was doing some research on the internet about how to make one and now I'm confused! I am using ready to roll fondant icing and my lessons is two hours long, how long would I need to leave the bows to dry and I need to be able to put them on the cake before the lessons is over. Oh and I'm from the UK so if I need to buy anything else it has to be available in tesco. Sorry for the long winded question, I just had so much stuff to ask!!

How long does it take to get from leeds to cambridge?

It's about 150 miles down the A1, so if the traffic isn't bad you're looking at around 2.5 to 3 hours. If you're planning on making the trip soon allow a lot longer because of the weather.

What are 2 cell structures that help with protein synthesis?

name 2 cell structures and their functions that help with protein synthesis...explain their function and what they do during/how they aid in protein synthesis...thanks!

Why do some christians tell others what god isnt as opposed to what god is?

i am still finding absurd and insulting ones intelligence when some tell me or others "gods not a genie" of "god isnt santa cluase" i was also told "god is not my bellhop" - really want to know when did this start - i was raised in chrisitan home , church and christian school - i didnt hear gods not a genie thing til i was in my 30s - is it me or this a big no duh!!!!! what or who makes some people think others think of god as genie or santa clause etc, whats with this breaking news to use we already know - is it me or is this just unecessary and kind of stupid and well no smart and again no duh!!! i never ever thought as god as being anything other than god - never thought he was a genie but felt acused and insulted by this - if one is going to witness or be a witness - tell someone what god is not what god isnt? hello logic then again that is too much to ask of some lol

Do you see any problem here 3 Members Of Santos Family Taken Into Custody After Traffic Infraction?

It's not the illegal immigration that bothers me as much as how they act like the police are evil gnomes for daring to enforce the law.

Get answers from millions of real people.?

I am in a group and have an id, pword, profile, etc. However, I cannot access photos, messages, etc. within the group homepage. The moderator is aware of this and I've rejoined the group three times in order to get access. Any suggestions?

Acute Lymphocytic Lukemia information please?

ALL, it's pretty rare but is the most common type of leukaemia in children. It is more common in boys than girls. They don’t know what causes most cases of leukaemia. But there are some things, for example the only really major risk factor that we know of is being exposed to high levels of radiation. Survivors of the atomic bomb explosions in Japan had higher than normal levels of leukaemia. Other possible risk factors include exposure to benzene, past chemotherapy, some genetic conditions and a virus linked to a very rare type of ALL.

What are the chances of Bret Hart no-showing RAW tomorrow and appearing on TNA instead?

With all the gossip behind wwe and Tna, I wouldn't be surprised if he did, But I think he will show on Raw but like in the last hour of the show. Which I will be tuning in too see both Tna and wwe. Tna has got a lot more surprises than wwe. Like the return of Ken Anderson, RVD, Scott Hall, Sid , and maybe Ric Flair. and I heard Jeff Hardy will be backstage Jan 4 in support of Shannon Moore who has signed a sort term deal. And of course Hulk Hogan will appear on the show.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dirty, Stained Socks!!!?

First off, I would like to mention that my husbands feet rarely see daylight. I have only seen his feet in the nude when he's in the shower or at the beach. Otherwise, he is wearing socks. His socks go into bed, just out of the shower, around the house, around the yard, and of course, out to the mailbox which is down the street. The bottoms of his socks are not only filthy at the end of the day, but when I wash them the black/gray footprint ABSOLUTELY REFUSES to come out. I'm pretty sure if I soak them in bleach any more than I have in the past, they will disintegrate. Do you my friends have ANY suggestions as to how I can get this type of stain out? Thanks in advance!! (And for those of you who LOVE to state the obvious, I have tried washing them and using bleach.

......any one?........?

this probably will not work but i am bored as hell and trying out something. If any one lives near 1 Dill Grove in stoke then write back and tell me....

Does He Like Me As A Mate Or More?

Well Theres This Boy But He Has A Girlfriend Who He Sez Loves Loads, But Wen We Chat On Msn He Always Asks Me So Hu Are You Liken At The Mo And Doesnt Stop Askin And Im Scared Of Tellin Him Its Him So I Refuse But Then I Tell Him Sum1 Hu I Fink Iz Ok And Weneva I See Him He Always Smiles And We Tlk On Msn Till 3 In The Mornin Or Text Till 3 Im Sooooo Confused Wat Shud I Do And Duz He Like Me More Thn A Mate?

Benoit is gone and what he did best were the chops on the chest, who do you think chops the 2nd best?

What wrestlers do you think will chop as hard as Benoit did or better than him? I would say Ric Flair but he's kind o old.

If settlers to North America were escaping England, why were the colonies named after British places?

If the settlers to North America were escaping the British oppression of the day, why would they name the colonies and settlements after British places, like Plymouth, New England, New York, New Hampshire, etc.

My computer crashed and lost pictures....?

I have an HP Pavilion 742c with windows xp operating system that crashed a while back and would only show dark screen with flashing _ I turned off and was going to have looked at but let sit for about 4 months. My laptop froze on me and in desperation turned the xp back on to try it. It came on as if brand new computer. I went with it and now seems to work fine except none of my files or pictures are there any more. Is there any way to find those files or are they lost forever?

Iwant bangs but i have curley hair so would it look right if i just straightened the bangs?

I personally don't like this, it looks a bit odd. If you have curly hair and you want bangs you shouldn't straighten the bangs, at least put a bit of a curl in them. If your gonna have straight bangs, you will need the rest of your hair to be straight as well. This is just my opinion, so dont get offended. Just trying to help. Good luck!

What are some really cool saltwater aquarium plants that don't up the maintenance to high?

The mermaid's fan is really cool looking, but if you're looking for color, then you should get some kelp. Kelp does require additives like calcium, but those are easy to find and most marine salt already has calcium added to it.

Shall anyone answer the following Macbeth questions particularly particularly, not long, 10 points for sure!?

here is #1 definition; scroll down to commodification: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Reaction from water?

what increase percentage in current would there be if two electrodes placed in a gl jar and connected a pulsed 12 volt supply to them and the electrolite was ordinary tap water,other than distilled water.

How can I teach celestial mechanics to people who have the minds of chimpanzees?

I'm beginning to suspect that there are people who just can't learn anything even slightly complicated. There's a fraction of the population that can't seem to dispense with the idea that, to get to that planet over there, all you have to do is point the nose of the spaceship toward it and blast the rockets until all the fuel is gone. Their attitude reminds me of those commercials where a company is being run by chimpanzees in business suits, while some low-ranking human tries (and fails) to talk some sense into them. The more I explain celestial mechanics to these folks, the less they seem to believe me.

Why is my sister so protective?

maybe she wants u to be "safe" and not do something retarded shes seen someone do. maybe if u try talking to her about it

Sims 3 question, please answer?

There is a way to! If you go to the folder of The Sims 3, there will be a map that says: SavedGames < something like that... There you can put these files on an USB-stick, then you get it to the same folder on her computer, and done!

Are beards making a comeback?

I grow a beard every winter and have for many years. I notice every 5 or 6 years more and more guys grow one then fewer and fewer so its kinda back and forth. I would say yes at this point more guys are growing them but in a couple years from now it will taper off again

Lately, he has been acting out of the norm...can you all plz lemme know what is up???? 18+!?

So I met a guy 2yrs ago, and we have become really good friends. 1yr ago, I started liking him, a LOT. I think he may have caught on, but we both kept it platonic, since he had a gf he loved. 2months ago, the gf broke up with him. Well, my friend (against my choice) asked him the day after if he liked me, and he puased a while & said as a friend. I wasn't mad, & we talked tons (4+hrs) almost every other night online for a month. Grew SO close. I go back to school and he is blushing around me, staring nonstop, and I get home and he texts me TONS, and even called me once to talk. So, I text him back some, and call him too. But at school, it is only staring & awkwardness. Last night I IMed him and he seemed occupied, so I let him go. Then he texts me later on. Once, he even went off about how "girls should be straightforward". Does he like me? Or does he like me cause I like him? Or maybe he just needs a friend right now??? Is what he is doing considered just friendly???

Opinion and advice on picture for photo contest???

I agree, the first one is probably the best. I also like the turtles, but I don't think it's winning material, you weren't quite close enough, and the light and exposure isn't as good as the first dog. If you want to use your dog as the model, I would keep trying. After all, you have several more weeks. I'd rather see the dog's ears included in the composition. I think if you keep at it, you may get one that's even better than the images you have posted. Good luck!

Iam resentfull and want revenge?

You are hurt hun. I totally understand. I don't know why she did this to you, but you should just forget about it, but learn from it, and move on. THere are a lot of girls out there that will treat you right.

I want to use symbols like puma & playboy in pics??wat should i do 2 do lik tat & wat should i download?

Adobe Photoshop is the best. You can do many things using this software. Even professionals use this software . BUT its not free. you have to buy it.

How do you get autotype for runescape?

I want to be able to repeat lines in Runescape so I don't always have to retype them. Although I do know that you can use Limewire or Ares to get autotype. I prefer Limewire, but how does that give me autotype. On Limewire it doesn't say anywhere how to get it or anything. So how can you use Limewire to get autotype, please help???

Is throwing up and your blood pressure drops normal?

I haven't thrown up since I was about 5 and when I did my blood pressure dropped, I felt extremely cold and weary. I've been afraid to throw up since. And so I was wondering whether what happened to me was normal.

To Atheists: I want your opinion please (NOT a hate question)?

TL;DR but from what i did read, I believe that Natural Selection and Evolution among other things created detail in this world, by trial and error. And nothing is perfect, if the stripes and patterns on animals were perfect they would not be hunted down by other animals because it would hide them unfailingly. But then if the other animal were perfect it would hunt down its pray without fail. So I don't think things are perfect. This is just my opinion and not that of ALL Atheists.

Do you hear anything on the news about the Investigation of Dem. Rep. Wu After Allegations?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Does ares have virus in the long term?

It is possible. Ares will have viruses but it is up to you have your computer protected with a virus scanner, firewall, spyware, etc. You may not get a virus today, tomorrow, or a week from now but it can happen to make sure your computer is protected before you use the service.

Rap song lyrics/song from the bay?

ok so on kmel i was listening 2 the top 10 countdown and the chorus is I ride over and over and he talks about cream on the inside and takes about his car it was #7 on the countdown february 9th 2009 thanks if u know it

Looking for the right song?

Ok so I’m asking this girl out but I also want to send her a song. I was thinking You’ve Got Me by Steven Curtis Chapmen but I’m not sure. We’ve just recently gotten to know each other over the last 18 weeks so I want it to say how I feel, but without a lot of commitment you know what I mean. Like I don’t want it to be to mushy gushy. Just a simple sweet song that she would adore. Were both strong Christians so any Christian artist would be great. Again I don’t want her to feel any pressure just something to say a little more than spoken words.

Paranoia and Xenophobia?

well, u don't seem the type who'd be getting hate mail, i guess..if it means so much to you, maybe i could send you one once in a while..; )

How many possible Zodiacal pairs are there?

There are 12 signs of the Zodiac. How many unique pairs are possible? I know this is a simple statistical problem that most high school seniors could do in their sleep but it has been 35 years since I took a math cl and I just can't remember.

Will Billy Ever Ask A Question About The Gers?

Seems like he is avoiding the real issue in Scottish football. The fact the gers are on the brink and being controlled by the banks, not to mention dropping attendances and no recovery plan on the horizon.

Job Search In Athens Georgia?

Ohkk..I live in Athens GA. And I need help finding a job quickly...I know thats the understatement of the centrey but, I do need help...I am willing to drive to Winder,Athens,and or maybe ATL. But I have a experenice of 8-months and the job was putting signs on the side of the roads,. I want a pay of $7.50 hr.-$20....I do not have a degree in college and I have graduated High School..I'm 20 yrs. old. I just have been on Yahoo and Snag A Too...Nobody was hiring or they had to have experenice. IN Like retail or nursing. I am willing to do anything.

How do i go about impressing a girl?

You shouldn't have to impress a girl to get her to like you. If she doesn't like you for who you are, she's not the right person for you.

Who do u guys think will end up with santana???

hopefully the yankees do they really need a Number 1 starter and ya we have chien ming wang but hes not a trusted starter when it comes to the postseason as u saw what he did against cleveland... to me the redsox are giving away too little for santana. lester and coco crisp for santana is not gonna fly by. the yankees have a better shot at santana because theyre including phil hughes who to mer will be the next santana or more. so ya i do believe the yankees will have the better shot. what do u think?

How do i stop my rabbit from kicking her lter out of her liter pan?

I have trained my rabbit to use a liter pan......which has been a hugh success... past few days she started kicking the liter out of the pan and going all over my floor.... How do I stop her from doing this?

If your in a car accident who's insurance company do you call, your's the other person's or both?

I was in a car accident a few days ago, in which the accident was not my fault, ( the roads that we were driving on were wet and the other driver's car some what lost control and skidded into mine coming around a curve). I called my insurance after the accident, but I only had liability coverage...(my insurance company will only pay for property damage resulting from the accident and for damage done to the other party's car, but not mine. The other driver apparently has the same type of insurance as me. Anyway am I supposed to call the other persons insurance company and see if they will pay to have my car fixed (since it was kind of the other drivers fault), or is calling mine enough?

What's the best mountain town springtime weekend getaway in SW Colorado?

My wife and 3yr old daughter are considering Telluride, Pagosa Springs, Montrose, Gunnison, Salida, and Buena Vista. Which would be best for a few days of relaxation, sight seeing and exploration?

Meiosis question. ?

Everyone who answers right, I will give them points. At the end of meiosis1, each of the haploid cells has only half the number of chromosomes as the original diploid cell. Why is this important?

How fast does a ferrari or a penger car hit the 100-metre mark?

Most high end performance cars will cover 100m in the 3-4 second range, with the fastest of the fast nudging just under the 3 second mark.

Backpacking across the Middle East?

I would suggest you try 2 or 3 countries as there is so much to see rather than go to every one and see nothing. For example Turkey Syria and Lebanon. By and large very safe, people friendly but you might get culture shock on your own. English quite common but less so in remote areas. Few cheap hotels of european standard, so you might be staying in some peculiar places. UAE I would miss but Iran (expensive I'm told) but very interesting.

To legally use the ™ sign, to I have to have a registered trademark?

I am signing up for microsoft's XNA development program and I want my developer name to include a ™ sign. Do I have to register the trademark for it to be legally effective?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Do you realize just how MUCH Jehovah God truly loves you?

yes, but sometimes i forget and i feel like he hates me whenever i fall back into one of my bad habits. i have to keep reminding myself of what a loving and forgiving God he is.

VOB cutting software?

Does anyone of a .VOB file cutting software. I prefer freeware, I want to cut out a song from a film I ripped from my DVD. I have tried DVD Cutter Plus, DVD Knife and I got runtime error 380 when saving the selection with these software. I have used Chopper XP before but for some reason does not work on my PC now. So I wanted to know if there is another freeware software that I can use to cut out the songs from my film. Just a simple cutter no re-coding or anything and I prefer the end result to be VOB also

What is the speed of the bullet in this conservation of m problem?

A 2.0 kg wood block hangs from the bottom of a 1.0 kg, 1.0-m long rod. The block and rod form a pendulum that swings on a frictionless pivot at the top end of the rod. A 10 g bullet is fired into the block, where it sticks, causing the pendulum to swing out to a 30 degree angle. What was the speed of the bullet. NOTE: the rod has a specific m and length and must be factored into the calculation

What is Shakespeare talking about in his Sonnet number 87?

Goodbye; you’re too valuable for me to hold onto, and you probably know exactly what you’re worth. Your high value gives you the right to leave me; you have severed the ties that bind me to you. For what hold do I have over you except the hold that you choose to give me, and how do I deserve such a treasure? There’s nothing in me to justify such a beautiful gift, so my right to possess you is reverting back to you. When you gave yourself to me, you didn’t know your own worth, or else you were mistaken about me, the person you gave yourself to. So the great gift you gave me, being based on a false estimate, goes back to you now that you’re able to make a better judgment. Thus, the time in which I had you was like a flattering dream; while I was asleep, I thought I was a king, but when I woke up, I found that was not the case.

Will i get fat if i don't excersise again?!!?!??

EAT! Please! You are thirteen. You should not be so obsessed with your weight. It is great that you excersize and eat healthy. However there is a thin line with that and an eating disorder. Be careful.

What is the storyline to the Leonardo DiCaprio movie Total Eclipse?

I've seen small parts, including where he stabs this guy's hand. I thought I saw a glimpse of him with his own hand stabbe, but I searched youtube for that clip and it wasn't there. Does he stab his own hand?

Comcast cable box problems?

Unplug the box from power for a few seconds. Plug it back in. Don't push any ons until the box displays the correct time. If the guide still isn't working an hour later call Comcast.

Christopher columbus and other europeans?

used god to justify killing off 98% of north america through slave trade and disease. were they wrong about god? did this undermine columbus's jewish faith?

Harley rental question?

The 2 shifters are 1 for your toe, down shift, and 1 for your heel, up shift. You don't have to use the heel shifter. You can do it all with the toe. Like Maddog said, Joe B is the local idiot, he's just around for laughs.

Is is Crohn's Disease or something more?

Ive had crohns disease for 8 years and all of his symptoms you're describing are pretty typical.Crohns never goes away,it just goes into remission.He needs to get back on something and NOT stop.Just because he feels better doesnt mean he is.Making a food diary could help him see what foods he should maybe stay away from.Lettuce is horrible on my stomach! Also,with the aching joints,its possible he could have rheamatoid arthritis(the two go hand in hand) Knowone in my family had crohns either,it CAN be heridatary,doesnt mean it is.The fevers mean he has an active infection and he needs to do something about it before something serious happens,like a surgery that would require a POOP BAG!

How Can The White House Silence All Dissent?

not sure but they are out to control the net the whole thing; "media control" if you speak not for king O, you are out--in a nice way but out in a "good way" lets just see how strong congress is--to stand by it too and get unelected or fight and stand against King O and be reelected. only time will tell but it smells funny.

PC Build Suggestions?

I recommend you never use the Power Supplies that come WITH the case, as they are usually terrible. And for a build like this you'll need more power anyways. 650-800w.

Cr2O3(s) + 2Al(s)------ Al2O3(s) + 2Cr(l)?

Rewrite the equation underlining each chemical symbol apart from O and H and write the oxidation state under each underlined symbol.

The name Tracy and similar characteristics?

I found to believe that names have there own characteristics. I want to find out more about Tracy's. What is your opinion about people with the name Tracy?

What do you think of Rodney Atkins??

I'm just curious. It's like I'm gonna tell him that u hate him. (I'll have my sister do that for me, LOL.) Whaddya think of him?

Need help with character traits of Julius Caesar, 10 points?

I need character traits of Decius Brutus, Caius Ligarius, Metellus Cimber, Trebonius, Lepidus, Senators and the Plebians, 10 points if all :)

Definitions To These Types?

to me it means to do something the way it has been done in the past,like a family reunion year after year

If you could go back in time what would change?

anything! tell me. I'd want to go back to December 8th 1980, and stop Mark Chapman from killing John Lennon, find a way to save George Harrison, save Jimi Hendrix, Heath Ledger, and my 4 year old cousin. I'd be like phucking time traveling Superwoman! haha

My "boyfriend" hasnt talked to me in 4 days... ): ?

Ok so why i put quotations is because hes not really my boyfriend, almost so our story is a bit different, he lives in a different country and i see him every 3 years, so ill be seeing him next summer but we've had this love thing going on for 2 years now, and we talk all the time, and weve gotten into alot of arguments, and i feel like we are dating just without him actually saying wanna be my girlfriend? Now we never dated and one of my cousins went out of the country to visit and they went out, this was last year and he told me he loved me so ... he lied, but now which is been 1 year since he doesnt xare for that girl im still a bit hurt from the past but im slowly trying to get over it still, i really love him because i think about him too much and cry over him sometimes. Now he tells me he really loves me like hes in love with me, and i dont know what go into us but 4 days ago we got into a stupid arugment that hurt me because we havent talked since then? Can someone help.... what should i do , just DONE and forget him ?

Do you agree that the 5.4L Triton engine is possibly the worst engine ever?

Proper maintenance (ie. oil changes every 3-5000 miles) will go a long ways. I've seen/heard several cam phasers noisy, but the owners of those trucks changed their oil every 10K. The plugs are only an issue when carbon builds up from poor fuel quality and again lack of maintenance. There are tools to remove broken spark plugs from the head instead of removing the cylinder head.

Why do we not hear about Mitt crying on Meet The Press?

Hillary WANTS it BADLY....enough to taste it . She is a powerful woman on a power trip who will get your family a medical program for your sick parents . She will suprise you b/c she wants to solve the US problems ... and THAT is where her focus will be first and foremost .... TAKE NOTE ...Its time for" US " How can we survive as a world power if we don't have our act together at home FIRST!!!!!!She is strong ...and very qualified ...after all ...she was BILLS.... voice many times ....... HER background speaks for itself. I am a republican ...... BUT ..... I want someone in there to worry about my family ...and yours!!!

Which one of the Veronicas is the most attractive and also Aly and AJ if you know them?

Ahhh choosing between gorgeous identical twins is difficult. My opinion goes back and forth, but right now I'd have to say Lisa, because her look is more put together and neat. I also prefer her voice a bit more to Jess's. A lot of people prefer Jess because shes so wild in everything she does. I don't actually like Aly and Aj, but personally they look too different for me to decide who is the more attractive.

Why Ba Ku Teh is not listed as part of Malaysian food by the Tourism Malaysia?

you can only find Ba Ku Teh in Malaysia and Singapore. It's originated from Malaysia you can't find Ba Ku Teh in China or Taiwan.

Do you agree that women have the higher legal and social status in the home?

Absolutely not...the law governs the public and private spheres. This idea that the law favours women is erroneous in the extreme.

Subtracting at rates?

Willie spendett will have saved 260 from his allowance by the end of this year. He plans to withdraw 1/10 of his savings balance at the end of each week. At this rate, what will his balance be at the end of the 52nd week?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why is it so hip to be as miserable as possible?

Do you ever smell a flower and smile? Look I really like this question but I think the fact of the matter is that people can only make themselves happy, and when we're kids we're used to other things making us happy. Like those kids who go up to their moms and they go "I'm bored!" and she suggests things and then he's like "No I don't want to do that stuff... but I'm still bored!" I think if you want to be happy it's up to you and people don't take responsibility for their own enjoyment. Quit expecting things to happen and find new people and things to do.

How to create text baseed games?

Is there anyway to create text based games ? I don't want to become a programmer. So, I want to create games like dos text-based game-- Football Manager 3 which was released in 1993 or 1994. Plz hlp.

An app that calls people with different number?

What's the app called for android that calls a person from your phone but it says a different name when you call the my friend called this girl cindy and when it showed on her phone it wasn't my friends number he used my number so it showedmy number being called even tho it was her phone

History Question college freshmen?

Do you even know what watergate was? Even though Nixon wasn't the one who created the idea, just the one who gave it the ok, D is incorrect because congress was not involved. But this is just a poorly phrased question so C by default. Whoever released this question is a moron

Mitosis and Meiosis, i just confused myslef, help!?

Its very simple...When normal body cells are multiplying, we call that mitosis coz each cell divides into two cells which have the same no of chromosomes as the parent cell that is 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs of chromosomes. But at a certain point they sort of branch out to give the sperm or egg cell wherein each cell multiplies to give 2 cells but this time with half the no of chromosomes of that of the parent cell that is 23.

Why did Republicans love Cindy McCain yet hated Lewinsky?

The only difference between them was John McCain had the guts to abandon his injured wife and marry Cindy for and money. So why did Republicans loved her while they had been screaming for impeach of Bill Clinton for affair with Lewinsky? Is it hypocricy?

Poem: words that the realists might observe?

Has an abstract, almost "surreal" sound to it (yes i read all poetry out loud) angst without the normal irratating emo. I like it. Read 3 times and it grows on me.

How come i scream when i wake up?

Lol, that's strange! How about telling your mother to stop going into your room and waking you up like that? When your sleep is interrupted that often, especially so early in the whole sleep cycle, it can really mess up your sleeping pattern and be bad for your body in general. I'm no expert, but I just know it's not good to be constantly woken up just when you're about to enter into a deep sleep.

October 21 2011, Were all going to die?!?

No were not, the bible says If you [ask] in your heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?” (Deut. 18:21). God’s answer? “When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to p, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: you shall not be afraid of him." This is god's way of saying "If he got it wrong the first time don't listen to him" Camping has gotten it wrong twice already. But what's even more sad is that the world is coming to an end, for people that believed him. A young woman hanged herself because she didn't want to suffer with the others. Many people have given up their bank account's, social security, and sanity to this man's lies (Harold Camping, the one who predicted this). A woman even attempted to kill herself and strangle her two children weeks prior to this incident out of fear. Do not believe what Harold Camping say's, he will never admit he was wrong because that is a common pattern with false prophet's, they never admit anything just say "Oh,I got the date wrong" or "It was a simple math error, the real date will occur in 2---." I am only 14, I know most of you will say "A fourteen year old talking about a grown up concept?" I am sick and tired of people making false prediction's that tear apart the sanity and well being of average people that are easily fooled. October 21 2011 will come and go just as May 21 2011 with nothing significant occurring. Besides my yogurt prevented the end of the world May 21 so it will prevent October 21 since it expires December 21 2012................wait a minute.

What do Germans think of the U.S. style hamburger on a bun (beef)?

There are McDonalds in Germany so I ume they wouldn't last long if people didn't like them. Homemade is better though, McDonalds food tastes like plastic.

How long will it take me to get good at Skateboarding?

I've been skating for about 3 months all together. I learned how to ollie, shuv it, pop shuv, and frontside in 1 week, just recently. How long would you think it will take me to be pretty good?

Question about helping your little one take his nap.?

Cianas mommy you should not put your baby to sleep with a bottle! it can cause severe tooth rot on their precious little teeth!! look up baby bottle syndrome!..NEVER do that it even advises it on bottle packages when you buy them!....and as for your question..I really dont kow what you could do I use a pacifier (only for sleeptime) and it works wonders..i suppose you just keep nursing him to sleep and once you stop nursing he will find another way to fall himself asleep during naptime. It if works it works!

How can I seduce a married man?

People like you make me want to throw up!!!! HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK OF BEING WITH A MARRIED MAN!! Does he have children?? So are you up to being the other woman who would never ever have him fully?? He isn't going to leave his wife - especially for a tramp wh*** like you. By the way, he is not your soulmate - he already found his - so move on. You know the bible says even if you lust after someone in your heart, you have committed adultry. So is he worth GOING TO HELL FOR? Little girls like you need to grow up and learn how to love fairly.

What do you think of Chapter one of my novel Can you give me a title for it?

i think it's great so far! it's too bad some of it got cut off though. you're off to a good start, keep going! i REALLY want to read the rest. you can email me if you want =]

Stalling problems with a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4?

My jeep keeps stalling on me... Usually after iv been driving for about 15 mins and the engine is in idle. Sometimes it just cuts off and sometimes it'll idle kinda rough. when it idles rough you can hit the gas and nothing will happen at first but you just have to keep hitting it and it'll come back. After it stalls it starts right back up. Recently iv replaced cad converter, o2 sensors, and cleaned throttle body and motor. Any one have any suggestions?

A question for the whiner babies?

After all the hoopla and shi-t talking about how the Colts would win, how do you feel about the Patriots winning after the refs were trying to hand the game to Indy? This is a honest question, not a stab at any of the whiner-babies.

This is just a guess, but could it be Jesus didn't even intend to start a new religion?

People who make things up do it for their benefit and profit. It is extremely unlikely that they'd go to the extent of getting martyred especially when they know it is made up.

Is the 'Romance' track from MCR's first album created for them?

Because I think I've heard the track long before that.. If it is, no offense.. Ray was good anyway, well he still is.. Lol.. Thanks

Zionism is controlling israel ,isnt?

Oi Vey Zionism simply means those who support Israel's right to exist. That's all there's no conspiracy no secret government organization.

Pick 2 RB for week 11?

Addai and Smith. Smith is the best weapon Detriot has. He is facing the browns and when 2 sucky teams meet,somebody has to win. Why you would sit Addia is beyond me. Benson showed you can run against the Ravens, and Addai is a p threat as well. After scoring 2x last night on the Pats,Addai is worthy of a start.

Would you care to read a love poem?

Very beautiful, obviously you have a wide knowledge of love and its beauty. It sounds like an olden day poem and has a rhyming scheme, nice...

What are the chances Australia winning in Sri lanka?

Srilankans are lions in their own den and the Aussies are hardly at their best..... the only remote chance would be if the turbulance happening between players and within administration in the SL set-up, influenced by politics at the highest level, depresses cohesion and commitment in the team.

What exactly is Mitosis and Meiosis for Biology?

Today was the first day on learning cell reproduction and I learned about Mitosis and Meiosis. However, I get some of the stuff about it but I don't quite get the whole mitosis and meiosis stuff. What exactly are both of them and I'd love to know information about them like how they work together, and etc. It wasn't like I didn't pay attention, in fact, I did and I don't mean to brag but I have the highest grade in the cl so ya...I do pay attention a lot. Anyways, please do not give me answers like wikipedia where the words are way too fancy and hard. I want some straight, given and easy to understand explanations. Thank You.

Ho sognato la mia cagnetta ke nn ce pi�?

Stella e scappata di casa 10mesi fa. Ieri l ho sognata e mi sn messa a piangere per nn so qnt tempo fino a ke nn mi sono addormentata. Mi manca moltissim. Ho sognato ke andavamo a peggio e lei mi portava in un posto dv eravamo state prima ke lei scomparisse. Mi faceva ved lei sotto una macchina morta e diceva "salvami salvami mi manchi tanto" era come se vicino a me ci fosse il suo fantasma ke mi faceva ved chee fine aveva fatto. E stato straziante. Secondo voi cosa vuoldire qst sogno tristissimo??:(

Sinus infection, c-section in 1 week!?

I just took a z-pack for this cold i have and now if feel like i have a major sinus infection...pressure with THROBBING headaches. the doctor checked me yesterday and said everything look ok. what could this be? im so congested and these headaches are worse than migrains! is it safe to have a c-section now?

Was Steve Carell an extra in Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein? I swore I saw him as a medical student.?

Was he a VERY young medical student? According to IMDB he was born in 1962 so he would have been 12 when Young Frankenstein was released.

If the raiders don't play Russell, do you think they will beat SD?

They probably could. If Oakland had a better QB, not only would they have beaten San Diego the 1st time, but I think they might have beaten Denver earlier in the season, since it was Russell's performance in that game (12-21 for 61 yds. and 2 TO's in Raiders territory) that really helped Denver win that game.

For anyone who has stayed in Las Vegas at the Fitz(Fitzgeralds) hotel/casino?

we are supposed to stay there a few days soon and i made the mistake of reading some online reviews-most of them were not bad, but the ones that were were really "scary" i have never stayed there and am wondering if anyone that has can tell me if it is at least an okay place--i dont need anything fancy, but do want clean and some people wrote nasty reviews about that aspect-appreciate any honest answers-thank you

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Please give me names of some good general books about European history in the 18th Century. ?

Not so much about the "Enlightenment"--I've got a pretty good handle on that, and not so much on English or world history. Thanks

Serpae tetra has red patch near gills and pale body?

Ok so my 32G wasn't good anymore so now i have to wait until sunday to get a new tank running. I had 4 serpae tetras in a bucket for 48hrs. Today i transferred them to a 5G until i get a new tank. They all seem fine except for 1. He is pale and has a red patch near his gills. The others 3 had the color come back to them and seem fine. Could ammonia poisoning only affect 1 fish even if the rest were in the same conditions for the same amount of time?

Customer (Lack Of) Service Problems?

OK, sad tale of woe about an Enermax Caesar USB Keyboard. This is a fairly expensive, but elegant aluminum board...goes for about $65-$80. I bought mine from Got it, immediately hooked it to my main VISTA machine...asks for a driver...freezes. Call Enermax. Call ClubIT. ClubIT sends me a pre-paid RMA and cross-ships another. Same thing, USB not recognized, but works on my ancient P4 XP machine. I try to get this resolved through Enermax...gimme an RMA please. We need the invoice. I say I cn't do that because the new keyboard has a different serial number and was an RMA. Complicating factor: goes Chapter no records. Enermax says they can't help me...with a known problem! They tell me to buy it through NewEgg...where it is $15 more than my original unit and $7 more for shipping. Bottom line: I just sent them a nastygram @ Enermax and gave it a bad review on NewEgg. Enermax says the problem is solved with the new USB cords, which are soldered. Lesson learned.

Can a SPANISH speaker translate this? 'Cuz google sure as hell can't. Thanks.?

Hi. I'm Felipe Segura's cousin. I'd love to meet you. I hope you are well. Take good care of my cousin for me. Kisss.

Why are my dogs swollen hard and bruised.?

i have a chahuahua mixed with a weener dog. Her back 2 are hard and swollen and alsobruised witha bluish purple color. She hasnt been spayed. and i read somewhere online it can be cancer. I am really worried about herr. also they dont seem to be bothering her because when i felt them to see if they were tender and sore she didnt show any pain. she is not acting any different. Thanks for the help.

How do you live your life?????????????

i need help from somebody dats from a place where u needa bring a strap everytime you walk out ur house,, cause around my neighborhood theres none stop kids my age walkin round strapped with mace,, machetes (i aint lyin),, and billy clubs... all i have is some mace and theres two guys dat always tryda start shiiiit wit me,, i just got my mace not long ago so i was wonderin if i should mace em or what cause i dont want em to think im a punk,, theres no way im gunna snitch them out or anything like dat but these people piss me off so much i actually considered killen em once and i aint even kiddin,, so my question is How should i handle problems like dis where i live without possibly gettin merced

10 points to u: help with Statistics problem ?

In your work for a real estate company, you find that in a sample of 1762 homes, 722 found their real estate agent through a friend. At alpha = 0.02, can you reject the claim that 44% of home buyers find their real estate agent through a friend? FIND the Test Statistic (round to 2 places).

Does anyone else miss "WWF" or just me for true wrestling king and QUEENS do you miss WWF/WCW days?

i agree cause when they where in competition wwf had to come up with stuff that was real entertaining and would blow wcw out of the water now that there on ther own wwe doesn't have to come up with great story lines cause theirs no other wrestling show on in their time slot to steal viewers

If you are a gay man, then this question is for you? please help me!?

First of all: what are you doing having with a gay man, anyway? They're gay! Whatever prompted them to have with you is not the point. Whatever possessed you to have with a gay man is seriously in question. STOP HAVING WITH GAY MEN! There are plenty of straight men out there.

How can you check and see if an online business is real? (WADDELL FARMHOUSE)?

I found a online company that has a large selection of garden seed at lower prices than our local farmer's market, but was wary of giving my credit card info. Has anyone ever heard or bought from the Waddell Farmhouse?

Help! What do I have?

Hey. I got sick about 2 weeks ago. I had a sore throat, but i it went away last Monday. I also had seriously bad ear pain one night a few days ago. And every night for the past few weeks my eyes have crusted over when I sleep. I also have a seriously congested nose and I've taken decongestant and inhaled steam. But nothing I do makes it go away. I haven't eaten any dairy products for a few weeks. My nose won't unstuff. And the day before and yesterday I had seriously leg pain. Does anyone know what I have? I would really be thankful and will choose a best answer. Thanks for any answers :D

Where did black eyed peas get that song "dirty bit"?

you know the when the song breaks down and he says "dirty bit" ...what song or like wheere can if ind that beat.because i know ive heard it somewhere before!

Is she telling me the truth or just sleeping around?

i have a friend who i have told i like her and asked what i should do about it. she said to just be friends and move on. she told me right now she does not want a relationship with anyone. she suggested that she has problems with intimacy to me by saying she does not like skin contact and told me a story about a guy who she just met invited him over to his room to watch a movie and tried to kiss her she told me she wanted to run away. she said she thought friends can hangout in a room without it meaning anything should happen. the contradiciton is i see her often with many different guys. also i offered her a ride from an event we are both going to back to her room later tonight and she said she is just going to walk back with her friend a guy? also the first time i ever hung out with her and went ice skatting i went back to her room with her and she had me share a chair with her. our bodies were side by side touching. but i did not make a move because it wast the first time i met her and it seemed to promiscuous to me? what do you think she is?

Can you pet finches or do they hate it?

In general finches hate to be held or to be pet. They mostly like to stay in there cage. But, if you do want to get finches make sure you get more then one because they are not the type of bird to be left alone. There great to listen to but it can get annoying. And, there cute, small adorable birds!!!

Is this the theme of the Republican convention: "McCain was a POW"?

that's all they seem to talk about. They don't talk about the economy, the middle cl, college tuition increases, social security, education...nothing , zip, nada, zero.

Would u please read the following paragraph and help me?

pushing the frontiers probably means kicking up the level of human knowledge and daring for means risking almost a century yet ur right it does sort of mean daring to learn a full centery of knowledge ahead of this time

Evaporation line or not?

This is the first month my husband and I have ttc. I BD throughout the month and especially on the days I thought I was ovulating. It's hard to say if I have any symptoms. I drink plenty of liquids already so I'm always in the bathroom. I have no tenderness though I should since I should be starting my period tomorrow or in the next couple days and I normally get really sore . For a year now I've gotten slight heartburn/acid reflux, but a couple nights ago I layed down and started feeling sick. Sorry if gross but I threw up in my mouth a little :( and had a nice big headache. No implantation bleeding that I've noticed as well. So this morning I took an hpt out of curiosity (It was the New choice brand from the dollar store), and I maybe sat and waited a minute to see the results. I of course figured it would be negative, so I just layed back in bed, but maybe 20 minutes later I looked at it again and it had a faint line that wasn't there before. It's pretty light but definitly there, and I know it could be an evap line, but I'm not sure. I may have walked away too soon, or it could have showed up after the 10 minute mark. It's pink in color just like the other line, and I thought evap lines were grey in color. Has anyone had this before? I'm going to test again in a couple days and see for sure if AF comes, but I just was wondering if anyone had similar experiences and was or wasn't pregnant.

Ok, so you are pregnant. What are the top ten things you wish someone had told you but never did?

I'm not pregnant and never have been, but I remember something a friend told me that she would have appreciated knowing beforehand. When you give birth, you poop and pee yourself.

Epiphone les paul quilt top?

ok, so epiphone just decided to cut production on their les paul clic quilt top, just as i was gonna buy one. does anyone one know where i can find one new or B-stock (besides ebay, musiciansfriend, and guitar center)

Does he like me? I can't tell and I don't know what to do!?

There's this guy I've known for almost a year now, and we talk a lot, he always IMs me, and we spend hours talking about stuff. A lot of the time, though, I feel like he's giving out subtle hints that he does like me but I'm never sure. Then, about two days ago, we talking about us (as in the topic was me and him only) and then all of sudden he says that he wanted to tell me completely what his thoughts were but he didn't want to say anything because he was unsure. I tried to ask him what it was but he wouldn't tell me anything except that he wanted for the right time to say something. Then all of sudden, he tries to act like it's nothing even though clearly, it is. I don't know if he likes me, and I don't want to bother him about what's been going on his mind but at the same time, I want to know. What exactly do I do?

Will eating natural sugar keep me from feeling groggy after eating refined sugar?

I get cranky and tired after eating refined sugar and I try not to do it to often but would it help if when I did I ate natural sugar to raise my blood sugar levels after the drop from the refined sugar? Thanks

How do you feel about people with leather jackets?

I'm 15, and I wear a mud brown bomber jacket. A2 to be exact. It sure stands out amongst the cheap and sloppy hoodies of today. What do you think when you see a kid my age in a brown leather jacket? It's more pilot than biker/greaser/Fonzie. Not that I wear them, but how do you feel about black ones? Honest answers get "best", not just suck ups!

Information on Ramptha's School of Enlightenment?

Who can give me information on Ramptha? Is it a cult, a religion, or what? What do you know about it?

Do covalent substances dissolve in methylbenzane?

Substances with covalent bonds will mix with methyl benzene if they are non-polar. The exceptions are high weight polymers like polyethylene, PVC and teflon. Polar substances will not mix and is why methyl benzene is insoluble in water.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Singing range after puberty?

A lot of my friends and I are very curious about this. So I am 16, I had this high kiddy voice till about 14, then my voice really dropped. Now I can hit the really low notes, but the high ones do not feel as comfortable. My voice has a very deep undertone, but still sounds like a kid (that's the best way to describe it). Most of my friends that are my age have this same problem as well. Now I have an 18 year old friend who sings, and is done with puberty, and has a great range. Also, many of the bands I listen have singers that are about 20, such as a day to remember, blink 182, and four year strong. I know that NOW these signers are older, but plenty of the recordings and live videos i listen to they were in their early 20's, and could sing quite high. So what I am wondering is, after puberty, will my voice settle, and 'll regain the easier upper register i used to have. I know it wont be like my kiddie voice, but at least a better range again???

How many zebra finches to get?

i am thinking of getting some zebra finches and would like as many as possible but not so they are cramped. The cage I am thinking of gettin is about 18" wide by 30" long by 24" high, how many would be the best to get?

How to handle troublesome coworker?

I have to work relatively closely with a coworker who constantly undermines me. I'm not sure if he has difficulties with social skills/is unaware how he comes across or if he's intentionally manipulative. When I've confronted him about it, he says he doesn't mean anything that way, but his condescending, meddling behavior doesn't change. If I forget something, but catch myself/make an adjustment on my own, he'll try to remind me of my mistake and take credit for how I fixed it. Or he'll over-exaggerate how bad something I prepared resulted (he did the diagnostic); when I look at the results the next day, they're borderline-OK and when I also repeat the diagnostic, the results are great. He has a history of undermining other people/making himself look better by questioning other other people's work (even our supervisor), and has been reprimanded for *his* job performance. I recently received a promotion (he is much older, but I have more applicable experience/work more efficiently).

Will Fergie quit if Man U do the trebble?

Will Sir Alex leave Manchester United on a high? What if he fails to achieve it again, how long will he keep trying?

I am Depressed and I feel horrible...?

I am a 22 year old single mom of my three and a half year old daughter. And my whole life I have gone through a lot, I was physically and verbally abused by my dad. I was ually abused by my grandfather. I have been placed in group homes and foster homes during my teenage years. I became pregnant at age 18 after dating my boyfriend for 2 years. The day he found out I was pregnant, he walked out. I have been depressed ever since the birth of my daughter in June 2005. I was diagnosed with post partum depression but I was never treated for it. I suffer from anxiety which my doctor prescribed me clonazepam but I have anxiety just thinking of taking it so I haven't taken it. And I am so depressed. I am in pj's from like dinner time until like 9 the next morning. I am so tired and depressed. I can sleep atleast 10 - 12 hours a night. I have no appetite. And I called the clinic where my doctor works this morning and asked if I can have an appointment with him, and I can only see him February 4th so two and a half weeks before I can. I have already said it but I am afraid of taking anti-depressants and even my clonazepam for whatever reason. I am afraid of being judged or that he will get annoyed with me. I only saw him once for anxiety and I was in his office for over an hour and I just want to make sure we maintain a good doctor/patient relationshp and I don't want to annoy him with me feeling like crap and depressed. I just don't know what to do.

Do you think whoever slams Obama the most at the debate will get the most recognition?

They're going to be out there trying to make a name for themselves.....I think they're going to save the opponent bashing until the second debate when there's more people. I have a funny feeling Mitt Romney is going to wait till the very last debate.That'll be less time opponents can spend on his health care system in MA and also less questions asked about him being a Mormon.

If a smile is a light in the window of the soul indicating that the heart is home (and happy!), what would ind?

Look into someones eyes, true happiness causes them to sparkle and a true smile lights them up. Eyes are the windows of the soul and as you say, the smile is the light behind that window.

What is the best songs (with b) to listen on a car system?

My friend has 2..12's in the back of his impala and im about to burn him a CD what is the BEST songs to put on b testers and stuff..or some good rap or rock songs?

Last minute vday gift ideas cmon people!?

I got him a huge pak of skittles and i was going to burn him a cd but my burner failed and im all out of ideas hes 12 and i just want to show him i care about him plz help!

Can I switch back to a high school even after this?

I'm going into GED & we haven't signed the orientation thing yet. But my gma already called the school & said that I wouldn't be coming back. I think I made a horrible decision with my future. I feel awful. I need some guidance, a lot of guidance. Idk what I want in life anymore & I'm scared. I really am. Idk what I should do, plz help me. Thanks!

Zac efron or robert pattinson?

me i would pick robert pattinson only because he's a tiny bit hotter than zac efron but it changes all time so yeah!!

Why would Ronnie James Dio record with Kerry Livgren?

Why would someone like Dio an 'apparent satanist' sing two Christian songs on Kerry Livgren's first solo album?

Indian Veggie for Kids ? Mumbai?

I want my kids to have max green veg and fruits, but I am afraid while buying these from the market as most of the items we get in the market are artificially given shot to make it big in size eg loki and likewise some kind of powders are used to ripen fruits. How do I choose natural and rest ured ???

How many weeks along do you have to be to get an ultrasound without it hurting your potential child?

it doesn't matter how many ultrasounds you have when youre pregnant. I know this because i am a high risk pregnancy and i get one every two weeks and my doctor would never do that if it were dangerous. There is also no reason you couldnt have one very early on. the reason why most physicicans wont do one this early is because its not going to show much. if you suspect you are about 4 weeks, your baby hasn't even latched on to the uterus. Your doctor will probably choose to do a blood test because its 100% accurate. when they take your blood they test the HCG levels (a hormone that starts releasing right after conception) .. this is why the blood test is never wrong.

Does anyone else hate Judge Judy?

Yes.I can`t stand her.She should not be allowed to talk to people like that.She is rude.I don`t get,why she is still on the air.

I need help on choosing a laptop.?

I have been searching Ebay, but can't seem to find the right one. I am not looking to spend much at all and i want a really good deal. (which is way i am looking on Ebay). I really loved the laptop Hilary Duff (hool) has on The Perfect Man, if anyone has seen it. i need advice, on choosing a laptop thats cheap, but good quality. I wont be using it for internet, just word and powerpoint and stuff like that. i like apple, so if u have any ideas. HELP!! lol. Thanks.

R&P: What's a favorite song with "World" in the title or lyric?

Punch,i am a Rock Fan,so maybe it might sound odd,but a great song, WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD, by the great Louis Armstrong,just a great old guy,and a great old song,take care man.

Whats it like to be a mum? And tips you's could give me?

My baby is 14 weeks old and i'm 22. to be honest i didn't think it was going to be as hard as it was to start with but once they get past 6 weeks old they start to smile and it makes it all so worthwhile. but your life isn't your own anymore baby comes first but its great it's been the making of me and i wouldnt be without her at all i love her to bits. when your carrying a baby you have so much love for them and when you give birth its amazing i don't think anything else could compare. your baby will guide you along on what he/she wants and as they get older you will get to know them and know what they need and then you can't go wrong =)

Very bad blocked nose sore throat since last wedensday?

really bad head conjestion, difficult to breath, runny nose, slight dry cough - I spoke to Dr. by phone insisted on taking antiobotics for sore throat tonsilities but doesn't seem to be working - taken 8 tabs - 4 per day but still feeling the same - these symptoms started last wedensday evening - its now saturday night and still feeling the same. could it be swine flu?

Who was in charge of the universe while Jesus was in His mother's womb?

god case even thou jesus was in the womb god was and is still the ruler. back then and now hoped i helped ;)

Can a propane torch be used in a small forge lined with kao wool to make knives?

I use a propane burner in ceramic blanket a forge I built myself and its been in service 15 years and going strong. the addition of a blower fan from an old furnace cranks up the heat inside I can do a 15 lb bronze melt in about 10 Min's from cold. I forge my own tools and machine hardware as well and it works fine. if you are using the little tiny plumbing torch try replacing the propane with MAPP fuel it will burn hotter .

Are these specs any good?

That computer is awful for that price, the cpu and video card are pure crap. Wonder why they would give you a free game that you have no chance of running either..

Is biuality and personality disorders somehow related?

Is ity and personality disorders somehow related? The reason why I ask is because I've dated a few girls who had borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder. They were both extremely promiscuous, which is why i'm not with them anymore, and were very much into girls. They were all biual, but it seemed to me that a lot of them were more into girls than guys. They were all messed up in the head with their disorders and were always promiscuous and wanting to make out with girls all the time. Is there some relationship between personality disorders and ity?

Does it sound like this puppy has Parvo? Or an upset stomach? Or something else??! Please Read!?

It doesn't sound like a simple gastrointestinal problem. I hope she fares well at the vet's and they can help her.

Graphic card to view dvd and on line films.?

i need a decent agp graphic card for watching films on line and dvd.using window xp operation .one that not too expensive.

What can I cook for dinner tonight - that's different?

Hi...Kids are sometimes picky but you could try crispy oven baked chicken. It's like fried chicken but cooked in the oven. There are plenty of recipes on the web. Match that with mashed potato and gravy and a vegetable (ewww LOL) that out think they wold like. You may even like it yourself! Hank

Where can I find an interactive tutorial how to run statistics on data?

I am interested in gathering some data and running some statistical tests on what I gather. I was wondering if there were any interactive instruction online where you can follow a tutorial using provided data and then the different tests are explained, their strengths/weaknesses, importance, etc. Pretty much something where all the basic elements are introduced so that one can competently take some data and run simple tests that would be useful for research. Thanks for the help.

Easy 10 points! i need help with a riddle.?

One morning, exactly at sunrise, a Buddhist monk began to climb a tall mountain. A narrow path, no more than a foot or two wide, spiraled around the mountain to a glittering temple at the summit. The monk ascended at varying rates of speed, stopping many times along the way to rest and eat dried fruit he carried with him. He reached the temple shortly before sunset. After several days of fasting and meditation he began his journey back along the same path, starting at sunrise and again walking at variable speeds with many pauses along the way. His average speed descending was, of course, greater than his average climbing speed. Prove that there is a spot along the path that the monk will occupy on both trips at precisely the same time of day.

Is it just me, or are their barks louder than their bites?

Don't be too harsh, dear. I think everyone who posts a poem here knows who is being nasty because (sour gs) they have never written a line themselves (poetry, prose, fiction, non-fiction), and others trying to be genuinely supportive through creative criticism. I think Y!A is still a very gentle, genteel (!) and decent forum (have you seen some of the others?), or so many of us wouldn't keep returning to it.

What is this song?

it sounds like its by slipknot, korn, disterbed, or something like that. it goes WAKE UP..wake up da da da da da da da da WAKE UP wake up and its a fast song

A friend of mine seems to have bronchitis. What can work as a good self-treatment?

He seems to have been feeling unwell for a few days now, but he's not sure of what kind of bronchitis he has or what has caused it (due to money issues, he can't really go get a professional diagnosis). What are some good self-treatment options that he could try?

Does this clan sound anything like the Redneck/Hillbilly stereotype?

I have never even heard of people like that, except the phony 'showman ship folks' at Branson pretending to be Hillbillies. Good luck.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where can i find a cute baggy/loose pullover sweater?

Wet Seal has really cute ones so does Forever 21, if you have those stores in Canada if not, I probably didn't help much so sorry.

The 0bama-0sama mystery?

Is it true that Obama is the antichrist? and is it true that bush is the leader of the jihad? and is it true that 9/11 was an inside job?

What are some alternative songs like Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars?

I'm looking for the artist to be like A Rocket To The Moon or Mayday Parade or We The Kings or any alternative bands that sound similar to them. Thx

Logic question. 5 stars to correct answer!?

He should Make sure 20 of the thieves (divider included) are happy by dividing the gold between them and them alone, which would give the divider half of the vote. Screw the other guys.

How close is too close for everyone to be comfortable? PLEASE READ!?

the crowd is a little tough here - ignore that part and take what is useful to you. I'm an adoptive mom, with no contact with my daughter's mom (her choice). I would be comfortable with the kind of situation you are describing, but it is somewhat personal. It will be easy for you when your daughter asks where she came from, who she looks like etc. But you need to be sure you are ready for adoption. Some people do become pregnant after adopting, but most don't. You will need a home study - everyone does. You don't need to be debt free, but you need to be able to afford to raise a child (modestly is fine). The study also checks for criminal problems, health etc. It isn't that bad, but you have a bunch of paper work to fill out. An adoption attorney should be able to recommend and agency/social worker who can do the study. you should probably start by meeting the mom, and having some serious discussions with your husband about adoption. Best of luck either way.

I think i might love my best friend..does he like me?

Ok..I have known my best guy friend for five years this summer. When i first met him i had a lil crush on but nothing serious. We both go to the same college so we have been spending more and more time together. He drives me back and forth sometimes (no car on campus ik shi**y). When we are in the car together all we do is laugh and have as much fun in a moving car as two people can. I catch him looking at me all the time when he is driving then turn away. He does goofy stufff all the time. We are touchy feely kinda....we have never kissed have come close though , yet we hug all the time and i sometimes sit on his lap and he doesnt give that wtf are you doing look. He put his arms around my waist a couple times. People think that we date already--we get a kick out of that one. Also he always smiles when he sees me might not always say hi but i get a smile. I dont want to tell him how i feel since i dont wnat him to get weirded out and have it ruin the friendship. what do you think?

What do men see in Angelina Jolie?

out of these women Angelina Jolie, scarlet Johansen, Megan fox , Liv tylor , Selma hayek , halle berry who is the hottest? cuz men almost 90% of the time say Angelina Jolie..i respect your opinions but i just want to know what is so y about her?personally i think Megan fox is smoking hot. girls i'd like to see your input on the matter too.

Fantasy Football Keepers for Next Year?

Chris Johnson is definitely a keeper. You got him late in the draft, if not in FA. The next choice is tougher. Manning should be a better player next year since this year has been injury plagued. I think Lee Evans is a great athlete, but he is staying put in Buffalo, and until they get a franchise QB I'm weary of anybody on that team (look at Lynch this year). So, I would have to lean with Peyton Manning to keep. He's a late 1st or 2nd round pick in a normal draft. He seems like the only logical choice.

Just Need To Know If My Answers Are Correct... [Neurophysiology]?

I suggest you to see it helped me for same after i browsed for hours. I am sure it will help you too. Best of luck.

I had my computer worked on and i used hughes net for my mail. they put outlook express in and it doesn't wor

if i try to send a picture or song it wants to send through outlook express but it always comes back with errors. i would like to use just but it i think i have to configure it with outlook express. i don't know what i'm doing and can't find any help. anyone know?

What time should I arrive for Indy race at Watkins Glen?

I'm coming from N.J>, leaving on Sunday morning. What time should I plan on arriving for the race (starts at 3:30)? Is the traffic getting in really bad?

How far have we been pushed back?

As for the infantile belief that preaching abstinance will curb the rate in teenagers, I would point back to the fifties. Some of you first born people do the math! The only difference is that now, teens are not marrying, but having the child alone. One problem is the welfare system When a woman reaches 18, if her mom is on welfare, the system will no longer provide for her. Her choice, other than "get a job" is to become pregnant and live off the baby's welfare check, and use the state housing funds to provide for a place to live. Religion is wonderful, but it should not take the place of logic and reason when it comes to the government of many people who do not all practice the same religion.

Is voting for the democrats a mortal or a venal sin?

I know that it is wrong because my pastor has told me. Democrats seek to undermine and destroy Christianity and moral values. But I am curious about how serious of a sin it is.

What minimum video card requirement can i play with my intel gma 965?

It would help if you mentioned the game... Your chip is supported by most games, but you'll get pretty bad framerates on all of them.

How would I cite a quote from someone using MLA format?

My friend told me that "Procrastination is like masturbation. In the end you're just screwing yourself." His name was Ray Tran. Do I need to add anything? I'm just using the quote in the introduction.

Whats Your Favorite Song.?

My Favorite And I Love It SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Much Is YOUR THE VOICE.Second Place Is TAINTED LOVE and the song i hate the most is Any rap song DO NOT ANSWER ANY RAPSONGS OR HIP HOP.

Which cell phones have FULL Web Browsing (internet surfing)?

I have tried many with the same req'mt as you, so far the only one that I really think its upto the job is the iPhone, avoid anything running Windows Mobile, they are really crap to operate, Blackberry is fine but some of the screens are more designed for emails rather than browsing.

Can cl width be different?Statistics question?

If lower limit is 1 and upper limit is 1200 how do we start writting cles equally divided into 6?The cl width I came up with was 199.83 but I hv to round it to 200 if that is the case median will be different.How to do it.Can I do 1to 200 then 200 to 4oo even if the width bn them is different

What is the meaning of this IDIOMS?

The one who takes the initiative has the advantage over the person who simply reacts to what other people do.

Can i exchange money without paying any fees?

Hey i notice exchanging money between Canada and USA would be a good opportunity for my self to make some money. I notice the rates are moving from 1 CAD is 0.97 USD then the next day is 1 CAD is 0.98 USD. I would like to exchange 14,000 back and forth and make about 150 each time. Now all the banks i called charge a fee on top of the exchange rate. Wondering are they any way i can pay a flat rate and follow the bank of canada s rate?

Is "The Dutchess" (title of a Fergie album) or "The Duchess" (title of a Keira Knightley film) spelled right?

There`s no `t` in Duchess. a href="" rel="nofollow"

Who is Jack Schitt?

APPLAUSE MY MAN! That was awesome. I think there is some schitts in my geneology! As a matter of fact I think I dated dumb schitt.

Is there any where to snowboard in colorado in the winter?

Are you kidding me? Yes! There's Copper, Breckenridge, Keystone, Beaver Creek, Vail, Aspen, Snowm, Boulder, ermilk, Winter Park, A-Basin, Ski Cooper, Echo, and Silverthon. I'm pretty sure that there are more, but I can't think of anymore right now.

Rate my freinds fantasy baseball team?

trade some outfielders for a 2B,3B or SS ... the infield is week (other than Pujols) Prado isn't a starting level guy, Weeks is excellent but not a #2 infielder. Trade Werth or Ordonez becuase the OF is strong.

Is it normal after a puppy has been spayed for them to still want to hump?

My 6 month old chi, was spayed in October, and she suddenly developed this desire to hump my family's arms.

The heartache isn't fading away...?'s the story...i liked this guy that was in 10th grade (i'm in 9th) and he told me he liked me back, that i was pretty, funny and that there was something about me that should make every guy fall for me. we were talking a lot, and then one night at the school bonfire, he texted me randomly saying "what the f*** i don't like you." so i went up to him and asked him who the hell he thought he was,and why he thought he could treat me like that. then i didn't talk to him for awhile. i texted him a week ago asking if we could just stop fighting and maybe be friends, and he said he'd think about it. i texted him a joke we had between us before yesterday, and then we were talking, and he said he had to go, so we both said byee, and then he texted me and the text said "wanna know what made me happy but when you were texting (our mutual friend) and you told her you didnt like me anymore" i was really confused by what he said so i responded "what?" and he said "you don't like anymore and i'm happy." ((btw-he has a gf that is a total b**** and hates me)) so my friend told me to say i was happy too cuz he was a waste of my time and he responded sweet. later, our mutual friend said he might've been hiding something or wanted me to think he didnt care or he was being sarcastic. what do you think? the pain is still there and so are the feelings i had for him...

Is the Samsung Omnia Smartphone compatible with a straight talk plan?

If you buy the phone outright, then purchase a SIM and put it on a straight talk plan, it should work... but why even bother getting that phone for just straight talk? Seems like a gross waste of time and money. Just sayin'.

This question is for rockers only...?

I still like White Zombie more than Rob Zombie alone. Disturbed is good. I also like Korn's early stuff, although, they actually pulled off "Another Brick in the Wall". It's hard to redo any other group's music, BUT FLOYD? Still they made it there own. But I like all of rock's variation, so it's real hard to pick favorites.

Does the extreme Christian Right in America have a hidden agenda?

Who are the dominionists? What are people like Robertson, Hagee, LaHaye, Kennedy and Falwell up to? Are they trying to close the gap between church and state? Are they trying to control the public education system so creationism becomes the scientific focal point. Is American foreign policy beginning to be based on biblical prophecy? What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Would You Girls Like This For A Date?

Ok first off she ain't my girlfriend, but we really like each other we've had and kissed but because of her past she is scared to get in relationship again so I don't want to do too much this is what I have planned anyway, I was thinking go to the movies have a good time then walk to my park chill out and talk, look at the stars then head back to my place to snuggle up and order some pizza, throw a dvd on and throw in all the kisses and hugs, does this sound alright yeah haha?

Please help! 10 points?

It's for debating. Can you please give me some ideas on why the cart is better than the car? negative and affirmative? Please? i've already done some ideas but I need some more.

Martial Arts Training Equipment?

Me and my brother are going to start martial arts cles on Tuesday. He's taking Muay Thai Kickboxing and i'm taking their MMA program. What types of training equipment would be good for my house, when not in the gym?

Symbols in Psychoysis?

You might want to look up Carl Jung he was one Freud most promising disciple and left his mark in psychoysis. He believed certain things had universal meanings in dreams.

BlackJack 2 or Sidekick 2008?

I'm 14 and i currently have blackjack2 for prepaid. Which causes me to pay a dollar a day and an additional $20 every month for my messaging package. I love the sidekick 2008. and the prepaid plan looks awesome for me. (only a dollar a day for unlimited txt/email/internet) But the problem is that i'm not sure if I should change my phones. Help!

NHL players hottest girlfriend/wife?

I just saw on the news a few days ago with Belak and his wife at some Leafs charity dinner thing (they were serving food to people with proceeds going to some children's charity). She looks so damn a tv personality. Any Leafs fans know what I'm talking about? Someone jog my memory...

Could My Bestfriend Be The One? Are We REALLY in Love?

Wow, this is very sweet. I think you both are meant for each other, but just make sure if you get together the time is right.

Bertolt Brecht's burning of the books?

i wanted to find a printable version of the poem 'the burning of the books' by bertoldt brecht asap. pls help by either posting the poem or giving me the link to that page where it is available thanks!!!

How do you figure the cubic inches of my engine?

ok i have a ford 460 in my 79 bronco but its built pretty good and after a recent head gasket replacement i checked the bore and it turns out its bored 30 over so what does that make my cubic inches?

How can I convince my Mum to let me stay at my boyfriends?

I live in Plymouth he lives in Liskeard. My Mama doesn't know he lives on his own I told her that he still lives with his mum. I'm 17 and he's 18. She refuses to let me stay the night. What can I say to convince her to let my spend the night there. She treats me like an adult in every aspect of my life until it comes to going out. I have to be in at 11pm and If I'm spending the night somewhere she has to know, who, where, how am i getting there, the home phone number, address. She has reasons not to trust me I've lied once or twice before but I'm a teenager i'm gonna make mistakes and she doesn't seem to understand that. The thing is a lot of the time i have to lie or I wouldn't be allowed out. I get in trouble for being honest so lying seems the best way. She's even tried to ban me from seeing certain friends. It's Friggin ridiculous. HELP. I just want to fall asleep cuddled up to my BF :(

French Help.?

Alizée Jacotey est née le 21 août 1984 à Ajaccio, en Corse, France. Son prénom est la forme féminine du mot qui signifie «trade wind». Elle a commencé à danser quand elle a commencé à marcher. En 1991, elle a fait une apparition sur l’émission, «Graines de Star». Elle avait voulu danser pour l’émission, mais elle ne le pouvait pas parce que c’est nécessaire de danser dans un ensemble, alors elle a chanté pour l’émission. Elle a gagné le prix «la Meilleure Graine» pour la nouvelle célébrité la plus prometteuse en fin de l’émission. Quatre mois après avoir commencé sa carrière de chanteuse, elle a gagné le prix «la Révélation francophone» décerné par la M6 (une chaîne de télévision) en 2000. Elle s’est mariée avec un chanteur français, Jérémy Châtelain, en 2003. En 28 avril 2005 Alizée a accouché Anny-Lee et elle a arrêté de travailler pendant deux années. Après, en 3 décembre 2007, un nouvel album est sorti. Elle s’est décrite en tant que personne timide et réservé.

How can the movie The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnus have Heath Ledger in it when he's dead?

The way I understand it, he goes through a mirror into different worlds and he turns into a different-looking guy every time. He's Johnny Depp in one and Jude Law in another... Could be wrong but thats what I heard. Heath did the first part before he died and obviously couldnt finish it so they changed it to this way.

She thinking about me?

She says she has a bf we was together 3 years but i think she lyin about her bf but she always ims me when i tell her not to and drives by my house that sound like she misses me or shes tryin to make me jelous that way i would fall back for her?

Republicans: Who is going to tell you how to think after Hannity is over tonight?

Unlike you who gets their marching orders from Obama and Olberman. Your avatar is Davey from "Davey and Goliath", a religious cartoon that teaches children about morals and doing the right thing. Strange for a Democrat.

What specifically has the media done to Sara Palin?

A better question would be, "what has the media done to the people of the USA?" They put a lot of time and effort into bashing Palin, and very little telling us the truth about Obama.

How to crochet?

I have been learning to crochet and would love to complete a baby cardigan but I am unable to create the treble back, and the treble front stitch what is the difference with these stitches compared to normal treble stitch?

Letter to underwriter?

how do i go at writing this letter stating that it is old collections and i have payed it off whats the best way to ex plane the collection and charge Provide a signed letter of explanation from regarding late payment 1) RJM ACQ LLC/WAMU, COLLECTION 2) PUBLIX EMPLOYEES FE CHARGE OFF please if you can write quick for me

Third party candidates fail to win presidential elections for which of the following reasons?

All three, and don't forget that the republican and democratic parties fund their campaigns with taxpayer dollars. Many third parties do not qualify for this, or refuse it on philosophical grounds.

How to get a loan without any credit?

Is there anyway to get a loan for $4000.00? I'm trying to get a sportbike and every place i go to says i need a cosigner cause i have no credit history..Is there anyway around this? the co-signers i could find have all filed bankruptcy in the past years so yeah i still get denied even with them co-signing.

Was Adolf Hitler a good leader?

He didn't really turn bad, he always didn't like the jews. They were a minority and easy to blame for there bad economic times. And with the sterio types of jews being rich, It wasn't hard to convince the germen people they were to blame. And people thought he was a great leader cause he had great talking skills. His speaches, although what he said was wrong, were very convincing. He spoke with such confidence, it was easy for the german people to follow him.

This question is for those who are a citizen of a country who is not a USA citizen.?

IF you could vote for the next US president, who would it be? Ron Paul, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Thompson, Obama, McCain, Rudy Guiliani or Romney?

Rate and please give feedback on my pokemon team?

its a poor team to tell you th truth.. you need to have a watter type in there trust me.. if i used my lv100 employon on youre infernape you yould be busted unless all youre pokeman are hand rasied to level 100 i dought even your infernape would beat my tortera.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chem Gas Laws?

A particular balloon can be stretched to a maximum surface area of 1257 cm^2. The balloon is filled with 3.2 L of helium gas at a pressure of 759 torr and a temperature of 292K . The balloon is then allowed to rise in the atmosphere. ume an atmospheric temperature of 273 K and determine at what pressure the balloon will burst. (ume the balloon to be in the shape of a sphere.) This is confusing. It doesn't look like any gas laws I know!

Question about the great gatsby?

ok so i had to read this book for school. one of the questions is what is wrong with the butler's nose. i read this page over and over but i'm not exactly sure whats wrong with it. apparently it was affecting by overwork as a silver polisher but what exactly is wrong with it? ha kinda random but i need to know before taking my quiz so let me know asap please

Help me find a conn's coupon 10 points?

I need a conns printable coupon for a toshiba laptop please help me fast thank you give me a link thanks!!!!!

What do you think? I wrote this part last night in about 10 mins?

You should have taken 30 Min's. Reads as if you want to say some thing, but I don't know what SORRY.

I'm so sore. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!?

I'm playing Soccer, Volley-Ball, and doing Athletics how do I keep from getting so sore? I'm stretching allot so that's pretty much taken care of.

Please provide a fast and painless way to commit suicide.?

The best place to ask that question would be to the Triage Nurse at the closest Hospital Emergency Room. Please take a trip there.

A post again about nausea while jogging?

i posted a duplicate question because i did not get answers. I have started running again lately and even after a lap or a lap and a half around the track i feel so much nausea that i have to either walk or stop. Usually i cant wait to get home after this and lay down on the couch and feel like i want to die. I am a 24 year old male who weighs about 140. In high School i played football basketball and ran track. After school i also did MMA. I used to have decent cardio i mean i could run a good distance. I used to be able to exert myself to the point of almost ping out and never felt sick. i drink about 3-4 bottles of water a day. When i run i drink about a half to a bottle before the run and abou a half a bottle during the run. After wards i lay on the couch finish a bottle of water and about a hour later i feel ok. The first day i ate a powerbar before the run and that's it. The second time i had 2 pop-tarts and a gl of milk. Followed by water both times. The third time i ate nothing. All of the times i couldn't do more than one lap around the track. To me this is pathetic considering my previous sports i played and the shape i was in. Please if any one has any good suggestions i would greatly appreciate it.

Does China need to liberate taiwan anymore now that taiwan itself is keen on reunification?

Why do you wish China to attack Taiwan. I certainty don't wish China to do so. Are all Chinese as blood thirsty as you are.

POLL: Are you an opera singer...?

Are you an opera singer who grew up in small-town Kentucky, dreaming of being a star, but your parents tried to discourage your dreams but you kept on, knowing that this was what you were born to be, even though your parents reminded you of your sisters who had tried to become the most famous ballet trio in the world but unfortunately because all of them were a bit too overweight, they couldn't accomplish their dreams and ended up being reality TV stars, but you knew you could do it, you wouldn't give up, so you joined a traveling circus who paid you well but never really understood you, except the clown, Louis, who wanted to be an interpretive dancer, so you ran away together, but love came between you and your dreams when twin pogo-stick world record holders fell in love with the two of you, so Louis and his bride eloped and settled down in Idaho as potato farmers, expecting you and your love do to the same, but you said you couldn't give up on your dream, so you broke up and went solo for a while, then you ended up in San Fransisco where everyone loved you, but said you needed more pizazz, so you learned how to tap-dance, then you made your way to New York City and sang and danced on global television, but right before the big finale you broke your ankle and now you live in Des Moines in the suburbs with your eighteen cats, dreaming of what could have been?

Wild animals in domestic homes with proper care?

Leave the wild animals alone. They are not capable of being tamed and can be very harmful in the best of situations. It is neither fair nor healthy for a wild animal to be kept in captivity. There are many regulations that control the keeping of exotic pets. Respect them.

Atheists...Exactly what is your purpose in posting at sites like Yahoo Answers R&S?

When I'm on answers, I normally browse new question and only answer the ones that I can or the ones addressed towards me. I'm atheist and as certain of my beliefs as you are yours.

Aren't we confusing our children when we allow them to be reared in same- households?

There will be those among you who spew that nonsense about children growing up in same homes and still preferring the opposite in intimacy. HOWEVER, the fact remains that at the VERY LEAST, the child will ume it's a VALID ALTERNATIVE to establish an intimate relationship with the same . Do we really think it's ok to send that message to children? Isn't man/woman what allows us to REMAIN on earth in the first place? Do we mean to teach our children that engaging in intimate relationships that would lead to self-extirmination are OK, all in the interest of "fairness?"

Moving to England later this year and I'm really nervous?

I will be eighteen when I go over later this year and I'm travelling from New Zealand to London where I plan on living for one year. Perhaps two if I like it. I'm wanting a change from my small city life and I've always wanted to travel to London. However, I'm just really nervous and anxious about the trip. Questions like "Will they like me?" "Will they look at me odd because of my funny accent and light brown skin?" etc. I know that London is a huge multi-cultural city so I'm not worried about that so much, however, I was planning on going to the north east of England for a little exploration as I've always wanted to see Hadrian's Wall. I read on a few sites that the main ethnic group is 99% white/european which I don't mind at all, but will I get strange looks if I go there? (I'm not at all racist, I'm just curious about this...). I guess I'm just looking for reurance that the people in London are friendly. I work in the hospitality industry and I constantly have american and english guests telling me how lucky I am to come from New Zealand and how friendly the people are here. I guess I just want to know what some good advice is for young people traveling over to England by themselves? (sorry about how messy this question is).

Anyone agree with this?...+wq?

I really liked it, but the main now is the thing w/ mysterio and kane(to be honest I was on the lookout for that too, weird about him taking out his old mask???) anyways for that reason i dont think a permanent team is possible(i wouldn't mind though). On the second part I loved the cruiser-weight title especially since on Smackdown that was really their thing that they had such good cruiserweights.So Id want it back,So yes I think they should bring it back.

How much is an ounce of silver worth?

i have a usa half dollar silver bullion. its almost completely silver. 99%. a woman on the front (lady liberty?) and the eagle on the back. but its not the same eagle im finding in the search engine. its like a sadie view of the eagle kinda. well i have two. one from 1937 and one from1942

Why are my eyelids dry and how can i fix it?

discontinue use of the moisturizer, and maybe try to buy something to heal the rash. use aloe vera. put on sunscreen if it doesnt burn if u go out in the sun. if nothing works, see a doctor. good luck :D

Please help calculate molarity.?

A sulfuric acid solution has a density of 1.73 g/mL and contains 80.0 percent H2SO4 by weight. What is the molarity (M) of this solution

Monday, August 8, 2011

What do you think? Will I get my BFP?

I'd say maybe, but not based on your symptoms. Since we normally ovulate about 2 weeks before our period, and it takes several days after ovulation for the fertilization and implantation to occur, it seems unlikely to me that you'd be experiencing so many symptoms already. Maybe you'd just be starting to have symptoms if you conceived this month but from the way you are describing things it seems like the symptoms have already become a frequent occurrence. There's a chance you're pregnant but I would say it's probably 50/50 at this point.

Does steam cleaning KILL fleas???/?

Home foggers are effective to get them outta the rug but there is the annoyance of not being able to go in the house for some hrs. Ultimatally the solution for me has been to keep the dogs on program or senti (which combines program & the heartworm interceptor) these products do NOT kill fleas but any the dogs pick up are made sterile so they can't multiply to a major infestation.

Chlorophyll and chloroplast question!!!!!?

Compared to a solution of isolated chlorophyll, why do intact chloroplasts release less heat and fluorescence when illuminated?

I already have a son named Kingston, would it be weird to name my next Maddox ?

Yes, I think it would be weird. I would honestly think you were some kind of celebrity wannabe stalker.

What is the best gekco to get?

i've read alot about malaysian golden geckos, albino leopard gecko, and crested gecko...i really want one that i wouldn't have to feed bugs to, it grosses me there one that i can feed fruits or premade gecko food? and if theres no way for there one that i dont have to feed bugs to EVERDAY? also what are the cheapest and smallest ones?? thank you!!!

Could this be a allergy to alcohol?

everytime i drink alcohol....wether it be wine, beer, vodka, anything.....i am fine the night i drink but the next morning i sneeze and my sinuses are congested for the whole day following.....i mean ive sneezed about a hundred times in a day am thinking that this may just be my own form of a hangover...but i am not a medical doctor nor do i have the knowledge to make a accurate dignosis.... :) as a child i contracted hep B through bad medical practices in romania....but as i grewup it became inactive in my body for me to say give it to someone else but it is still affecting me and my liver only.... so i am now at tranquil stage of hep B i guess u could say....*there is a medical term..i jus don rem it* what im ultimately wanting to find out is A) are my congested sinuses a alergic reaction to alcohol....and B) could me having hep B be the reason y i am having this form of allergic reaction.......can anyone help.....i cannot go to doctor to make a diagnosys*no medical care* that is y im asking my question here....

You notice conservatives have terrible posture compared to progressives?

Yeah your "great" leader FDR had great posture and I bet Obama could do a nice little tap dance. But what is really amazing is your observation in the first place. Why don't you just rant about President Bush and call all you foes racist while conservatives clean up your mess (Van Jones, ACORN, health care for illegals, gov. run health care, etc.). For a group "progressives" with all the power it sure seems like conservatives are getting a lot more done. So go cry foul to someone who cares and we'll keep cleaning your clock sad little brain liberal.

Effect of ethanol on potato cubes?

probably dissolve or somethin, i drank some metholated spirits once when i was reely drunk and i was being sick for ages!!!

Please read my epilogue and chapter 1 of my story. Thanks!?

Remember everything said is constructive critique, it's not to put you down nor is it making fun of you. In my own personal opinion this story just doesn't grab my attention. You need the beginning to be a grabber, catch the readers attention to keep them wanting more. For instance, instead of explaining why you killed her in the beginning have your epilogue about how you're killing her. That in turn will make the reader think, "Hm, what's happening here, who and why is he killing this little girl. Is it for fun? Or something else." The way you have it now makes it seem to drag on. In your first chapter don't talk about everyone you've killed and why, make it like the cops suspect you and you're telling them the whole story from the very beginning in the court room. Get it? Sorry if this is harsh but, it's just supposed to help. Keep writing. You'll get better.

Is Democracy essentially "mob rule"? I mean 51% takes all?

I like the idea of a Republic much more...granted I don't like the large corporate influence or the evangelical christian influence...but the idea of a Republic is far more appealing to what this country should be...looking out for the weaker and those who need help...i.e. the people...and their voice.

How do i be as smart as hannibal lecter? (having the ability to read others)?

i'm a huge fan of hannibal lecter. i love silence of the lambs. haha not because i want to be a serial killer like him but i really admire his intellect and capability to predict how the clothes that clarice starling wears reflect her personality and stuff. he's really smart and i WILL GIVE YOU 5 STARS AND BEST ANSWER IF YOU COULD TELL ME WHAT SHOULD I DO TO BE AS SMART AS HE? (((((:

I need help with poetry?

Yahoo answers does't allow this..but man I wanted to hit you really hard on ur for doing this stupid thing..

How do I get this kid to leave me alone?

I'm 19 going on 20 this year and I'm Asian. There's this 18 year old boy asking me out. He's a millionaire believe it or not but I don't like him. Ever since he became a millionaire (I'm not gonna tell you how and he did not hit the lotto), a lot of girls started to date him. But each of the relationships don't last long. He's making it seem like "just because he has the money, all of the girls want to date him". He keeps asking me out and tells me how "obsessed" he is with me. He texts me everyday and I can't help but replying because I have no problem talking to him as friends but I don't want anything else to have to do with him.

Canada is not making this easy on me with the horse farms, is it?

Get the second farm. It is bigger for less and already has a barn that you will just need to adjust a little. Goodluck!

Where will Graham Harrell go now, since the Packers released him?

I really hope Graham gets picked up by another NFL team that won't treat him like dirt, since the Packers did.

How is seattle already marked as a bad team in the NFL?

Their secondary was really bad especially since they had the same players. Only Trufant was decent. Their QB situation is Helback or Wallace. I wouldn't be surprised if they did well though.

Do you think that Danniel Henney looks more asian than Dennis Oh?

Its sort of hard to tell between these two apart. I obviously knew these two are half korean just by looking at them. Though my chinese friend came to conclusion the other day that they look very alike the nose though not the eyes the hair color too. I'm half so I have same hair color and nose as them I guess we all look the same. I'm a girl though ok so no I don't have facial hair, 6 pack . One guy on yahoo answers one time thought i was a dude cause I changed the picture to a pic of my friend. Ok sorry i'm going off topic. Do you think they look somewhat alike. My friend also pointed out the Danniel had more asian eyes than Dennis, when I observed closely Daniel has more Korean eyes. They're are both ok looking. What I don't understand is why girls in asia obsess over their looks when I have cousins that kinda look like them, again they don't look that special to me. I don't know why??? Anyways Thanxx for any comments:P

Should people with superior genes be paid to have more kids?

No, what next start growing our children out of test tubes or genetically engineer them. Where do you stop drawing the line with this line of reasoning. I've known some really successfully intelligent people who have had some pretty dumb offspring so the reasoning doesn't hold up anyhow.

Why is society so picky about womens appearance, but totally lax on guys?

What's even worse is that I asked a question very similar to this one previously today, and apparently it offended someone, so much so that he/she deleted it.

Are b2 Pro Lace Leather 10 OZ Boxing Gloves Mitts,Punch Bag RD good quality?

i found a pair of b2 Pro Lace Leather 10 OZ Boxing Gloves Mitts,Punch Bag RD on ebay for �16.99 they are being sold by someone he has hundreds probably works for them or something i was wandering if they are good? do they fit? do they last? and are they comfortable? ect thanks

How do celebrities live in other countries if they aren't citizens?

Well you can get visas, which give you permission to stay in certain countries for a certain period of time. But I guess if you buy property there and pay whatever taxes are ociated with such property, then you have the right to go live in your property.

What kind of bra do i wear with this dress?

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Is there a synonym for "not caring what anyone thinks of you"?

For example, if you asked me to describe you in one word and I thought you didn't care what people think, what word could I use?

If SAF gets the title this season will he call it a day?

Its hard to say as indications have come from both possibilities. I hope we have him for at least another season and I think we will. I still believe in Sir Alex and I'd be happy if he stayed another 3 or I don't want Managers at United that come and go. Our strength has been in stability. I agree that whilst Mourinho may be many peoples choice, he isn't mine. He likes to be #1, have no restraints and, run the show and not be answerable to anyone. He likes to spend and frankly I'd rather look to decrease this debt the g's have gotten the club into. Whomever takes over has to be the right fit for United not necessarily a household name.

Organic Chemistry synthesis question? Grignard and alcohol?

A synthesis question is asking what would happen when lets say for example, ethanol reacts with CH3MGBR? basically its a grignard reagent with an alcohol? Ive never learned it in cl, nor can i find it in my textboook? Anyone out there able to help me? Thanks in advance,

Doug bruno basketball camp?

Tell me all about it. Im going and i wanna know about it. Like level of play, how long you play for, do they actually evaluate you on the first day, anything on dorms, are the showers okay, what to bring, and anything else you want to say about it. Any of these questions answered is appreciated. Thanks!

I doing diploma in from rajasthan university,after the completion can i do any degree course from ign?

i am starting the diploma in mechanical trade in 2009 from rajasthan university,it is a deemed university,so i want to know after the completion can i do degree courses from indra gandhi national open university or Aime & ime.

Hi anybody feel a tremor on sunday morning 29th november. i'm in rochdale uk.?

i had a friend over and the symbols on the drum kit were moving for several seconds followed by a shaking in the attic (where the symbols happen to be!) The symbol incident happened twice, but it has only just been discovered that downstairs a picture fell off the fireplace along with a clock which is made from driftwood and has now broken. can anyone help explain?

Which of these pokemon should be on my team: Pachirisu lvl 32, Roselia lvl 30 or Misdreavus lvl 26?

I need to choose two of those pokemon to go on my team to beat the e4 and champion, im going to evovle my roselia when he learns synthesis and can anyone tell me the directions to get the dusk stone on victory road?

Sulphuric acid question?

Is there anyway to make H2SO4 crystals my friend brought it to school today he told me that he mixed sulphuric acid and something he can't remember what and he left that outside for a week when he looked again he saw crystals like ice and he can't melt it can you help me here????????

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Oxygen molecules are made of 2 oxygen atoms that are bound together. Ozone molecules, which are very different?

"Atoms that are arranged differently create different substances with different properties." This is very obvious in organic chemistry.

Are these okay foods for a cross country runner to have?

Certainly NOT the type of food a competitive cross country runner would ever consider eating, other than for a rare snack. There's no energy or nutrition at all but a lot of potential body-fat just waiting to be stored on you and slow you down. But if you fall a lot the padding might be handy . . . .

Could I play Rachmaninoff's prelude in G minor?

Judging by your other pieces, I think you could handle it just fine. It's not an easy piece, but it's very rewarding.

Just had my credit pulled and they would not give me a copy or a score do they have to?

Is it legal not to? Also Iwant to get free credit reports from the 3 credit reporting services....where do I go withoout being enrolled in a credit monitoring program?

Cancer Girls! Read this?

Ok So, I am a Capricorn. Me and a cancer girl have been friends for about 2 years. Shes ALWAYS been their for me as I have been their for her. I met her through my friend, they where together for six years. I come to find along the way that This cancer girl is the girl that might just be my other half. I know how she is and everything but something stops me along the way, and thats my friend. Talking in a Zodiac Sing way, they do not get along. Me and a Cancer do. They break up often. Me and my friend do not talk anymore. Mostly because I am in school and she does not have a path through life. All she does is Smoke weed and text and take care of her nephews to earn money. AND SHES 21. never has had a job. last time this cancer went to the movies was along time ago. This cancer girl, asked me what i thought about her and i said i thought she was a special girl over all. She later in the weeks ask's me if I have ever had a crush on her. I as a Capricorn is scared to put my self out their. She admits she liked me too. It stays like that and now I want to see if we can be more than friends. She flirts, and stopped referring to me as "foo" but today she said something like "how was ur day my friend?" I got touched by this :| she also does flirt with some other person, but they talk on and off. What do I do?! I have read that Cancers are also afraid to step. They will yze you mean while. HELP X(

Why do famous people look so YOUNG?

obviously because they put on makeup and of course they are famous they are supposed to look young and good lol what do you wanna see a ugly natural famous person?im not trying to say being natural is ugly of course its not but that's what everyone think. im not trying to be mean or anything but im telling the truth and that's what everyone wanna hear. when your famous everything is different i use to also ask my self the same question now i finally know the answer.

Have you ever seen a NeoCon question posted that actually provided a reason to vote FOR McCain?

....and not just vile attacks and smears of Obama? Or, if you don't have something nice to say about your own candidate (other then being a POW), is it good not to say anything at all?

What to wear for a recruitment evening? More info, please read and HELP!?

You would be safer dressing slightly more formally - if you don't know what others wear always look to be business like.